In a recent press conference co founders of twitter Evan Williams and Biz Stone shared the podium in San Francisco. They discussed the role of twitter in activism, its news capabilities and the vision for future.
The discussion began with the question that whether twitter has come into the mainstream. To this Evan replied that twitter today continues to get more new users every week than the population of the state of Nebraska. That would put the user sign ups to about 1.8 million per week.
Next both the founders spoke about the positive feedback to the new twitter experience. According to them the new look was in keeping with the simplicity while adding richness and links to the content which is causing a buzz about the network. Biz stone answered a question on the criticism leveled against social media and its power in spurring social movements and causes. He said social media is complementary to activism as it helps in steady and quick information exchange.
Advertisement on twitter has been a raging subject of discussion for quite some time now. Evan Williams cited that twitter is a mix of editorial content and advertising. And all advertisement trends and tweets are labeled the same. Starbucks was one of the first in a long list of brands opting for the promotional tweets. The users showed interest with the brand raking in a million plus followers.
Twitter as per the founders helps individuals find out what is happening around the world. The main aim for twitter is to become an indispensable service in providing and spreading information. And lastly Williams spoke that twitter would reach a billion users and also added that it couldn’t be the same users as facebook.
His remarks are based on the belief that facebook and twitter are different services with different goals. Twitter is an information network more than a social network, was the emphasis behind the comments. It surely is a network that has changed the way in which we consume information and news.