A woman for many is a mystery and that has been the case since time immemorial. Be it Helen of troy who caused the downfall of an empire or the Hindu goddess Sita who made the earth split wide open to engulf her in her test of purity. The Mona Lisa still enchants the world with her mysterious smile.
A woman in her life time plays the many different roles of a daughter, a wife and a mother. She is the epitome of all things beautiful and if she wants she can have the world at her feet. A woman also faces suffering in the form of abuse both mental and physical. India even launched a campaign which said “educate a girl and educate the nation”. In the US it is common for a woman to match steps with a man and this is base for a progressive nation.
We at Enlist media salute the spirit of the woman and the outcome is a dedicated blog for the woman, with the woman and by the woman and some men. The result is a stunning array of writes ups, experiences on everything from infertility, lifestyle to domestic violence.
The design of the blog is edgy with a hint of pink here and there. The punch line reads ‘for a better you’ and it doesn’t make any false promises. The main categories at the top are contraception, cosmetic surgery, domestic violence and fertility.
The article on eco friendly lubes might not be on everyone’s minds but makes for an interesting read. The writer goes on say that many of the ordinary lubes have chemicals similar to those found in anti freeze, brake fluids and oven cleaners. The articles are though provoking and entertaining.
The home page has on display write ups such as are you perimenopausal, skin care myths, boosting your fertility, exotic spa recipes and make your own antioxidant facial. With 506 twitteritas already the site is poised for bigger things.